Luna Part 4 : First Views

Once models are created, you can make migrations and database tables from them.

An empty database isn't very interesting, so the next step is to populate it. We used Celery Tasks for that.

Django 2.0 changed how URLs are defined. I ignored that and used the old style re_path because I wasn't really interested in learning the ins and outs of the new `path` function yet.

Here's my first four views

urlpatterns = [
    path('api/v1/me/files', v1.file_query),
    path('api/v1/login', v1.api_login),
    re_path(r'^api/v1/get_file(?P<path>.+)', v1.get_file),
    re_path(r'^api/v1/get_thumb(?P<path>.+)', v1.get_thumb),


The first view is the api endpoint to query your own files.

The second view is an api endpoint to login.

The third and fourth views are to get the contents of a file.

I've skipped over a lot of authentication, authorization and error checking in the views, in order to just focus on the functionality for now. I'm only running this on localhost and trying to get a proof of concept built. I don't like to spend too much time on these sorts of details until I know something is going to be useful or not.

If you've been around Django for a while, you might also notice that I tend not to use Class Based Views. This is just a preference. I think that function based views are easier to read and reason about.

I'll go through the views one by one. You can view the whole file here:

File Query

def file_query(request):
    files = StoredFile.objects.filter(user=request.user)

    if request.GET.get('mime_type'):
        files = files.filter(mime_type__icontains=request.GET['mime_type'])

    if request.GET.get('after'):
        after = parse(request.GET['after'])
        files = files.filter(Q(start__gte=after) | Q(end__gte=after)).exclude(start__isnull=True)

    if request.GET.get('before'):
        before = parse(request.GET['before'])
        files = files.filter(Q(start__lte=before) | Q(end__lte=before)).exclude(start__isnull=True)

    if request.GET.get('sort'):
        if request.GET['sort'] == 'newest':
            files = files.order_by('-start').exclude(start__isnull=True)

    count = 150
    if request.GET.get('count'):
        count = int(request.GET['count'])
        if count > 10000:
            count = 10000
        if count < 1:
            count = 1

    paginator = Paginator(files.distinct(), count)
    page_files = paginator.get_page(request.GET.get('page', 1))

    return JsonResponse({
        "results_count": files.count(),
        "per_page": count,
        "page": page_files.number,
        "results": [f.serialize() for f in page_files.object_list]

This view starts with an @login_required. You can't query a particular person's files if you don't know who they are.

The next line sets up the base QuerySet for all the user's files.

After that there are three "if" branches that filter the queryset further, by mime_type, sort order, or time.

The next chunk (starting with "count = 150") is about slicing the queryset into pages to enforce that the query/api results are not too big, with a limit of 10000. Ten thousand results is still too many in many cases, we'll figure that out with some testing later.

A Django Paginator is set up, and the results are serialized and returned as a JSON formatted string via JSONResponse.


def api_login(request):
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        return JsonResponse(
            {"username": request.user.username}

    creds = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8'))
    user = authenticate(request, **creds)
    if user:
        login(request, user)
        return JsonResponse(
            {"username": user.username}
    return JsonResponse({"error": "NO"})

This code takes a JSON encoded request body. It decodes the JSON into a python dictionary "creds" and runs it through Django's authentication. This is so a user can log in via the API. There are a _lot_ of caveats to doing authentication this way. This is an incomplete list:

  • You have to get your CORS right on the client and the server
  • You should use HTTPS everywhere
  • You have to manage cookies on the client.
  • You have to get CSRF right on the server.

These things are beyond the scope of this post

Get File

This, and the following method rely on a feature of nginx that allows protected "internal" redirects. Basically nginx only serves the file if Django says it's OK. This is a really excellent feature and you can read more about it here.

def get_file(request, path):

    #TODO AuthN and AuthX

    file = get_object_or_404(StoredFile, content=path)

    response = HttpResponse()
    response.status_code = 200
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    response['X-Accel-Redirect'] = '/protected{}'.format(file.content.path)
    del response['Content-Type']
    del response['Content-Disposition']
    del response['Accept-Ranges']
    del response['Set-Cookie']
    del response['Cache-Control']
    del response['Expires']
    return response

Right now this code assumes that if you have the path to a file, and if you have a valid login on the server, you can get the file. That's only good for my development cases. If there's a second user on the server, this method is one of the first things that will need to change.

The rest of the code sets up the nginx redirect.

Get Thumb

def get_thumb(request, path):

    #TODO AuthN and AuthX

    file = get_object_or_404(StoredFile, content=path, mime_type__istartswith="image/jpeg")

    hashstring = ".thumbs" + path + "?crop=center&width=200&height=200"
    hsh = hashlib.md5()
    hsh = hsh.hexdigest()
    thumb_path = "/home/{}/.local/share/thumbs/{}.jpg".format(file.user.username, hsh)

    if not os.path.isfile(thumb_path):
        im =
        if im.width > im.height: # Landscape
            left = int((im.width - im.height) / 2)
            im = im.crop((
                left + im.height,
            im = im.resize((200, 200))
        else: # Portrait
            top = int((im.height - im.width) / 2)
            im = im.crop((
                top + im.width
            im = im.resize((200, 200))

    response = HttpResponse()
    response.status_code = 200
    response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    response['X-Accel-Redirect'] = '/protected{}'.format(thumb_path)
    del response['Content-Type']
    del response['Content-Disposition']
    del response['Accept-Ranges']
    del response['Set-Cookie']
    del response['Cache-Control']
    del response['Expires']
    return response

`get_thumb` is very similar to `get_file` in that it returns a redirect to an internal nginx redirect.

It's different because it accepts an existing file handle and then attempts to create a thumbnail of that image.

This method is meant to expand later, to take arguments for the size of the thumbnail and the crop options. A hash of those options will be taken, and the filename of the thumbnail will be made from the hash. This will avoid re-generating thumbnails on every request. Right now it's assuming center-cropped 200x200 square thumbnails as the only option.

Comments and Messages

I won't ever give out your email address. I don't publish comments but if you'd like to write to me then you could use this form.

Issac Kelly